When it comes to infection control, a sanitized childcare environment is DCCS’s mission. We use the US regulated, high-quality chemicals to disinfect and fight disease to combat any form of bacteria and microorganisms.
Green cleaning products are free of harsh or health-threatening chemicals.
During consultation we look at the janitor closet to see what the current company is using. Some of the problems stem from not using clean mop heads, not changing the mop water, not using the proper chemicals and products to clean the school.
Infection Control Services for Child Care Centers & Schools
What should clients look for to know when they need this service?
- Are the chemical bottles properly labeled? Are the cleaners using the correct products? For example, a multi services cleaner is not always a disinfectant cleaner. It's important for safety purposes to now the difference.

How often would you recommend and Why?
- Our operations manager is constantly checking the dispensers and making sure that our staff has the essentials to perform their job.
Do you have a follow-up process and how does it work?
- Once the process is completed, we recommend a disinfectant be sprayed on them daily. We also recommend that carpets in childcare centers be cleaned 3 to 4 times per year
What kind of equipment and products do you use?
- We install a 4 button Hospital type dispenser . It contains our neutral floor cleaner, Virex disinfectant,non acid bowl cleaner, and our multi surface cleaner.
Once the system is installed, our staff is ready to perform.
Contact us here to get a quote– we can’t wait to get started!