RSV Is On The Rise at Daycare Centers

RSV Is On The Rise at Daycare Centers

If you follow daycare publications or have been reading the news, you may be aware that RSV is on the rise at daycare centers in the area. RSV is Respiratory Syncytial Virus, which is common and causes respiratory tract infections in young children. It is contagious and spreads easily, especially where kids are in close contact.

When RSV cases rise, parents and daycare staffers need to take extra care to help children avoid contracting the virus.

Recommendations For Daycare Centers To Prevent Spread of RSV

Below are some recommendations for daycare center staffers to help limit the spread of RSV:

Handwashing. Encourage children to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and make hand sanitizer readily available.

Cleaning and Disinfecting. Your center’s frequently touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, and toys, should be thoroughly cleaned and kept disinfected.

Respiratory Hygiene. Daycare staffers should encourage children to cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Be sure to dispose of tissues and wash hands quickly.

Stay Home When Sick. If parents have a sick child, they should keep the child at home. This includes a child showing symptoms like coughing, sneezing, or fever. Daycare staffers should remain at home when sick as well.

Ventilation. Daycare centers should allow for plenty of ventilation in their facility. Fresh air helps circulate viruses out of the air.

Educating Staffers and Parents. Be sure to inform staffers and parents about the symptoms and signs of RSV, and to seek medical attention if a child is showing symptoms.

Isolating Sick Children. If a child becomes ill while at a daycare center, the staffers should isolate the child from other children and staffers until a parent can come for them.

Consult Healthcare Professionals. Keeping ahead of the RSV virus and preventing its spread can be done through staying in touch with healthcare professionals and local health authorities.

Keep Your Daycare Center Clean and Safe.

It’s always a necessity if you operate a daycare center to keep it clean and sanitary for children, especially when viruses become prevalent in the area. Let Daycare Cleaning Services keep your daycare center clean…we tailor our services specifically for daycare center needs, and we provide first class cleaning services that are within your budget.

Request a quote with us here today, and be sure to Follow us on Facebook for more tips and news!